Our Mentorship Launch event brought our community together to introduce and develop the focus of the programme. This was the first event in a series of insight gathering sessions where we brought together industry professionals, creatives, potential mentors and mentees to research and develop the structure and roll out of the programme.  

From these sessions we defined the six values that make up the core of the programme. These are; GUIDANCE, FEMALE EMPOWERMENT, A CAREER BOOST, UNSUNG HEROES, EXPERT ADVICE, COMMUNITY AND NETWORK.

Mentorship Launch Event

Our Mentorship Launch event brought our community together to introduce and develop the focus of the programme. This was the first event in a series of insight gathering sessions where we brought together industry professionals, creatives, potential mentors and mentees to research and develop the structure and roll out of the programme.  

From these sessions we defined the six values that make up the core of the programme. These are; GUIDANCE, FEMALE EMPOWERMENT, A CAREER BOOST, UNSUNG HEROES, EXPERT ADVICE, COMMUNITY AND NETWORK.

For more information on the programme see our mentorship edition section.